
# Title Link
1 Caring essentials collaborative
Measurably transform the experience of care for hospitalized infants, their families, and the healthcare professionals who serve them to reflect a trauma-informed care paradigm by providing evidence-based education, coaching and mentoring.
2 Larone Juneau, A., Lemay, C., Milette, I., & Martel. M-J. (2018). Pratiques de sommeil sécuritaire du nouveau-né. Perspective Infirmière: Revue Officielle De L'ordre Des Infirmières Et Infirmiers Du Québec. 2018;15(4), 22-25.
Safe Sleep Practices (SSP) are a set of recommendations that promote safe sleep for babies, including reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
3 Stefanakis K, larone Juneau A, Milette I, Martel MJ, Friboulet Gaudy J. Le bain emmailloté du nouveau-né (Bundled bathing). Perspective Infirmière: Revue Officielle De L'ordre Des Infirmières Et Infirmiers Du Québec. 2018;15(3):54-57
Bundle bathing is a care that tries to reproduce the sensations experienced by the baby in the belly of his mother.
4 Larone Juneau A, Charpentier-Demers A, Milette I, Martel MJ. Le massage des bébés prématurés ou nés à terme, mais malades (Massage of premature infants). Perspective infirmière. 2018;15(2):40-43.
Massage is a form of care of proximity, a privileged contact which represents, above all, a moment of relaxation and complicity between the parent and his baby. Massage is usually defined by moderate pressure on the body with the hands...
5 Matte C, Lauzon-Vincent A, Milette I, Martel MJ. Positionnement thérapeutique, modes de déplacement et modes de portage des bébés prématurés (Therapeutic positionning). Perspective infirmière. 2018;15(1):24-26
The prematurity of a baby requires special precautions for positioning. This article discusses the principles to consider for safe therapeutic positioning.
6 Neonatology CONFERENCES in 2017
On The Conference Website
7 Neonatalogy blog
Barrington (hosted by) - Articles and information on neonatal issues and latest evidence-based interventions
8 Quantum Caring Article Reviews
Mary Coughlin reviews multiples articles for us on her amazing quest for information - check her website!
9 Savaria M, Larone Juneau A, De la Chevrotière S, Martel MJ. La méthode kangourou, ou le peau-à-peau (Skin-to-skin or Kangaroo care). Perpestives Infirmières. 2017;14(5):46-48.
The kangaroo method (MK) offers skin-to-skin contact between the parent and his baby. This widely tested method is now being applied all over the world.
10 Bizier N, Sainte-Pierre E, Milette I, Martel MJ. Mieux comprendre les comportements du nouveau-né (Understanding newborns' behavioral cues). Perpestives Infirmières. 2017;14(4):42-45.
Behaviors of the premature neonate or term, but who is sick, can be decoded and interpreted thanks to the synactive theory developed by Heidelise Als, Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. What does this theory consist of?