In the 90' the original associates were convinced that the philosophy of development care was an exceptional approach that respected premature infants and that recognized that they possess competencies and communication skills while needing protection in order to pursue their neurodevelopment. They wanted to implement this philosophy of care in order to change practices in neonatology in Quebec. From this, the first training program in developmental care in Quebec was developed and implemented.
In 2008, they did not hesitate to embark on the wave of continuing education for nurses in partnership with the OIIQ in order to offer training in development care to nurses in Quebec. They renewed this partnership in 2012 for a second education program about clinical examination of the newborn. Subsequently, they adapted their training to meet the growing needs of health centers and institutions. For example, they accredited four training programs at the Université de Montréal (three in development care and one in clinical examination of the newborn), later with the SOFEDUC accreditation society and registered them with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO).
To date, if we include all training in developmental care and most recently in the clinical examination of the newborn, more than 10000 health professionals have been trained by them directly in more the 30 health centers / institutions in Quebec and Ontario as well as overseas.
Over the years, several collaborators and new associates have joined the team to bring in their knowledge and expertise. In collaboration with one of them, Margarida Ribeiro da Silva, the team led the developpement and publication of the Guidelines for the institutional implementation of developmental neuroprotective care in the NICU, a joint position statement of CANN, CAPWHN, NANN and COINN. The first international developmental care guideline.
In 2019, a new associate joined the team to bring change and project management expertise to the team, for our consultation and management of developemental care implementation in different health care settings.
In 2022, an expansion in English Canada and towards trauma-informed care is essential and sees the arrival of another collaborator, Ms. Chantel Morin.
In order to transmit their knowledge, the partners have multiplied the activities of diffusion (conferences, scientific posters, articles, book chapter) in their fields of expertise. These activities have greatly helped to disseminate their knowledge and to equip health care professionals in their practice with preterm infants, newborns and families.