
# Title Link
1 Neonatal Developmental Care
Training DVD on developmental care specific interventions
2 Janvier (2015). Respire bébé, respire.
Premature birth experience of a mother and neonatalogist.
3 Discenza et al (2014). The Preemie Parent’s Guide to the NICU.
4 Sizun et Ratynski (2013). L'enfant né prématurément - Mieux le comprendre pour mieux le soutenir.
Impressions on developpemental care
5 AAP - American Academy of Pediatrics
Organization of 66​,000 pediatricians committed to the optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.​
6 No mater how small
DVD for parents to help them understand their premature infant
7 Coughlin (2011). Age appropriate care of the premature and critically ill hospitalized infant : guidelines for practice.
NANN - Core measure in developmental care
8 Trauma-informed care in the NICU framed by the universe of developmental care
Visio-conference given by a great developmental care specialist - Mary Coughlin
9 Louis (2010). Le grand livre du bébé prématuré = The big book for the premature infant
Reference book for parents of premature infants
10 Coughlin et al (2009). Core measures of developmentally supportive care
Guidelines on implementation of developmental care