Our publications: Books

# Title Link
1 Milette, Martel & Ribeiro da Silva (2019). Les soins du développement: assurer la neuroprotection des nouveau-nés = Developmental care: neuroprotection at the NICU. 2nd Ed.
Second edition of our Developmental care book. Presenting evidence-based clinical practices linked to the developmental care core measures, trauma informed care of the neonate and the lastes guidelines in developmental care implementation.
2 Martel & Milette (2017). Etre parent à l'unité néonatale. Tisser des liens pour la vie. = Parenting in the NICU. Making long lasting bond with your infant.
For parents of premature infants, to help them better understand their child. Based on developmental care philosophy.
3 Catin, Letendre, Martel & Milette (2014). Clinical exam of the newborn
Under the scientific direction of Isabelle Milette.  Publised at the Edition du CHU Sainte-Justine.
4 Milette et al. (2012). Soins infirmiers: Périnatalité - Perinatal Nursing
Lodwermilk et al - Translation and french adaptation by Milette et al.

5 Martel (2012). Chapter: The establishment of the premature parent-child relationship in the neonatal unit.
Martel, Bell, & St-Cyr-Tribble - Book chapter in In de Montigny, Devault & Gervais (2012). La naissance de la famille = Family's birth. Chenelière Education: Montreal, Canada.

6 Martel & Milette (2006). Les soins du développement : des soins sur mesure pour le nouveau-né malade ou prématuré = Developmental care: care tailored to the sick or premature newborn
Martel & Milette - Published in the collection INTERVENE Éditions du CHU Sainte-Justine. First book in French on developmental care.