On-line training modulesHealth Care professionals

TIDCP - Module 10: Safe Sleep Practices for Infants

  • Price: 30.00 $
  • Location: Online training module
  • Date: 10 February 2030
  • Time: Online training module


Our Trauma-informed developmental care program (TIDCP) is a comprehensive bundle of bilingual (English & French) online training modules are designed to equip healthcare professionals with essential theoretical knowledge and practical skills in trauma-informed developmental neonatal care.

This module focuses on safe sleep practices tailored for premature infants, who are at a higher risk of SIDS. Understand the latest CPS and AAP recommendations for safe sleep practices, and learn about the AAP guidelines for transitioning to safe sleep in the NICU. Identify available hospital certifications and resources to ensure the implementation of safe sleep practices in neonatal care settings.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand that the premature infant population is more at risk of SIDS
  2. Describe the latest CPS & AAP recommendations for SSP
  3. Describe the latest AAP recommendations for the transition to SSP in the NICU
  4. Identify the available hospital certification and ressources for SSP