On-line training modulesHealth Care professionals

TIDCP - Module 9: Protecting Sleep in Infants

  • Price: 30.00 $
  • Location: Online training module
  • Date: 9 February 2030
  • Time: Online training module


Our Trauma-informed developmental care program (TIDCP) is a comprehensive bundle of bilingual (English & French) online training modules are designed to equip healthcare professionals with essential theoretical knowledge and practical skills in trauma-informed developmental neonatal care.

This module delves into the stages and significance of sleep in infants, distinguishing between light and deep sleep. Learn about the circadian cycle's impact on premature infants' sleep, the four main roles of sleep, and available sleep evaluation scales. Gain practical strategies to protect and enhance sleep in premature infants, promoting their overall health and development.

Learning Objectives

  1. List the different stages of sleep in infants
  2. Understand the difference between light and deep sleep in infant
  3. Understand the impact of the circadian cycle on premature infant’s sleep
  4. Describe the 4 main roles of sleep
  5. Identify the available sleep evaluation scales
  6. Describe the main strategies to protect sleep in premature infants