On-line training modulesHealth Care professionals

TIDCP - Module 8: Pain Prevention and Management in infants

  • Price: 30.00 $
  • Location: Online training module
  • Date: 8 February 2030
  • Time: Online training module


Our Trauma-informed developmental care program (TIDCP) is a comprehensive bundle of bilingual (English & French) online training modules are designed to equip healthcare professionals with essential theoretical knowledge and practical skills in trauma-informed developmental neonatal care.

This module provides essential knowledge on assessing, preventing, and managing pain in neonatal care. Explore various pain assessment tools, effective prevention strategies, and management techniques to ensure the comfort and well-being of infants. Gain practical skills to minimize pain and improve outcomes in neonatal care settings.

Learning objectives
  1. Understand the difference between stress and pain in neonates
  2. List the different sources of pain in the NICU
  3. Understand the importance of evaluating, preventing and treating pain in the NICU
  4. Know the different pain scale available
  5. Know and apply different non-pharmacological pain management strategies