On-line training modulesHealth Care professionals

TIDCP - Module 5: Recognizing trauma – Synactive theory of development

  • Price: 50.00 $
  • Location: Online training module
  • Date: 5 February 2030
  • Time: Online training module


Our Trauma-informed developmental care program (TIDCP) is a comprehensive bundle of bilingual (English & French) online training modules are designed to equip healthcare professionals with essential theoretical knowledge and practical skills in trauma-informed developmental neonatal care.

This module explores the Synactive Theory of Development, emphasizing the significance of behavioral cues in neonatal care. Learn to interpret and respond to infants' cues, understand the importance of co-regulation strategies, and apply these techniques to reduce stress and promote healthy development in infants.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand why behavioral cues are important
  2. Describe the Synactive Theory of Development
  3. Interpret behavioral cues in infants
  4. Understand the importance of reacting to those cues