On-line training modulesHealth Care professionals

TIDCP - Module 2: Introduction to Trauma-Informed Developmental Care

  • Price: 50.00 $
  • Location: Online training module
  • Date: 2 February 2030
  • Time: Online training module


Our Trauma-informed developmental care program (TIDCP) is a comprehensive bundle of bilingual (English & French) online training modules are designed to equip healthcare professionals with essential theoretical knowledge and practical skills in trauma-informed developmental neonatal care.

This module explains that understanding that the profound effects of early life experiences on a child's development is crucial in promoting healthier futures. Toxic stress, often stemming from adverse experiences, can significantly disrupt neurodevelopment, influencing cognitive, emotional, and physical growth. Additionally, trauma can have far-reaching impacts on a developing infant, affecting their behavior and overall well-being. Realizing and recognizing these challenges highlights the importance of trauma-informed developmental care, which aims to mitigate these impacts and improve outcomes by providing supportive, responsive environments that nurture resilience and healing. This comprehensive approach underscores the need for awareness and intervention strategies to support infants in overcoming the adverse effects of stress and trauma.

Learning objectives

  1. Understanding the impact of toxic stress on neurodevelopment
  2. Understanding the impact of trauma on the developing child
  3. Understanding the importance of trauma-informed developmental care on improving outcome