Our publications

# Title Link
1 Milette, Martel, Ribeiro da Silva & Coughlin (2017). Guidelines for the Institutional Implementation of Developmental Neuroprotective Care in the NICU. Part B Recommendations and Justification. A Joint Position Statement.
First Guidelines for the implementation of developmental neuroprotective care in the NICU.  These are a joint position statement from the CANN, CAPWHN, COINN et NANN, a first international collaboration between those sister assocaitions.
2 Milette, Martel, Ribeiro da Silva & Coughlin (2017). Guidelines for the Institutional Implementation of Developmental Neuroprotective Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Part A Background and Rationale. A Joint Position Statement.
First Guidelines for the implementation of developmental neuroprotective care in the NICU.  These are a joint position statement from the CANN, CAPWHN, COINN et NANN, a first international collaboration between those sister assocaitions.
3 Milette et al (2019). Advances in Neonatal Care • Vol. 19, No. 1 • pp. 9-1.
Here is the new executive summary of our Guidelines for the institutional implementation of developmental neuroprotective care in the NICU by the ANC, the NANN journal!
4 Milette, Martel & Ribeiro da Silva (2019). Les soins du développement: assurer la neuroprotection des nouveau-nés = Developmental care: neuroprotection at the NICU. 2nd Ed.
Second edition of our Developmental care book. Presenting evidence-based clinical practices linked to the developmental care core measures, trauma informed care of the neonate and the lastes guidelines in developmental care implementation.
5 Larone Juneau A, Lemay C, Milette I, Martel MJ. (2018). Pratiques de sommeil sécuritaire du nouveau-né.
Safe Sleep Practices (SSP) are a set of recommendations that promote safe sleep for babies, including reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). SSP pay particular attention to the position in which the baby is placed to sleep during the night and his naps, as well as to his sleeping environment.
6 Stefanakis K, Larone Juneau A, Milette I, Martel MJ, Friboulet Gaudy J. (2018). Le bain emmailloté du nouveau-né.
The swaddled bath is a treatment that attempts to reproduce the baby's sensations in the womb, which are to be wrapped in a fetal position in water at the temperature of the human body, while floating in weightlessness.
7 Larone Juneau A, Charpentier-Demers A, Milette I, Martel MJ. (2018). Le massage des bébés prématurés ou nés à terme, mais malades.
The massage is a form of care of proximity, a privileged contact which represents, above all, a moment of relaxation and complicity between the parent and his baby. Massage is usually defined by moderate pressure on the body with the hands, which generates tactile stimulation in the baby.
8 Matte C, Lauzon-Vincent A, Milette I, Martel MJ. (2018). Positionnement thérapeutique, modes de déplacement et modes de portage des bébés prématurés.
Prematurity of a baby or his precarious health - whether born prematurely or term - are two situations that require special precautions for positioning, moving and carrying. This article discusses the principles to consider for safe therapeutic positioning, movement, and carriage.
9 Savaria M, Larone Juneau A, De la Chevrotière S, Martel MJ. (2018). La méthode kangourou, ou le peau-à-peau.
The kangaroo care offers skin-to-skin contact between the parent and his baby. This widely tested method is now being applied all over the world
10 Bizier N, Saint-Pierre E, Milette I, Martel MJ (2017). Mieux comprendre les comportements du nouveau-né.
The behaviors of the premature newborn, or ill term newborns, can be decoded and interpreted thanks to the synactive theory developed by Heidelise Als, professor of psychology at Harvard University. What does this theory consist of?